Our Events

Token City

Token City - our arcade and casino bash

February 21, 2024

The Fusion Club executed the 'Solidarity Summit,' combating ragging through an enlightening lecture by psychiatrist Dr. Rashmi Dhakad, featuring impactful case studies. An open mic session allowed students to voice anti-ragging sentiments, culminating in poignant films that left a lasting impression during this impactful awareness event.

485 participants

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Solidarity Summit

Solidarity Summit - anti-ragging awareness week

August 16, 2023

The Fusion Club executed the 'Solidarity Summit,' combating ragging through an enlightening lecture by psychiatrist Dr. Rashmi Dhakad, featuring impactful case studies. An open mic session allowed students to voice anti-ragging sentiments, culminating in poignant films that left a lasting impression during this impactful awareness event.

244 participants

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Ethnixia - a cultural extravaganza

August 05, 2023

Our flagship annual event, where everyone gets to dress up, compete and win exciting prizes! Fusion's Ethnixia created an unforgettable whirlwind of India's cultural plurality - from Hindustani vocals to rhythmic Malayali beats, dazzling dance performances to the foot-tapping 'Sound of the Nation', it was an emotional journey celebrating our rich culture and talent.

580 participants

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Tour de Fusion

Tour de Fusion - World Bicycle Day event

June 02, 2023

We joyfully marked World Bicycle Day 2023 with a spirited Cyclathon and the whimsical 'Snail Trail Tour.' Laughter echoed as participants pedaled at a snail's pace. The event, graced by enthusiastic faculty and students, radiated the joy of clean transportation, physical well-being, and the camaraderie of friendly competition.

60 participants

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How I Met Your Murderer

How I Met Your Murderer - a murder mystery challenge

February 10, 2023

Organised as part of the AdVITya'22 fest, our murder mystery whodunnit enthralled over 500 detectives who raced to crack cryptic clues and unmask fictional celeb killers, making it the fest's second most popular event! The thrill of this battle of wits and final prize for genius sleuths created an unforgettable buzz.

515 participants

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Cosplay Culture

Cosplay Culture - a modern masquerade

November 18, 2022

This unleashed a vibrant kaleidoscope of characters, where participants dressed as real and animated personas with homemade costumes!

70 participants

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Young Thinkers Conclave

Young Thinkers Conclave -

September 28, 2022

Visionary keynote speaker Mr. Lokesh Sharma's enlightening talk on nurturing young intellectuals for societal growth charged up the minds of eager participants and sparked an engaging discussion. This mind-tickling session set the stage for the Fusion Club's aim to create intellectual torchbearers.

100 participants

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Trapped! - an escape room challenge

September 26, 2022

To celebrate the opening of our club, we gave everyone an exciting event right away! This was a very fresh idea on campus and received an overwhelming 300 registrations in just 30 minutes.

340 participants

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Club Inauguration

Club Inauguration -

September 26, 2022

Our club's launch mega-event featured an exhilarating mix of songs, beatboxing and beatbox-dance fusion performances that charged students into a frenzy, making it a fun-filled blast setting the stage for our journey!

280 participants

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